Monday, October 23, 2017

New Flooring

My new flooring is done. :D I replaced the old oak color with dark brown/black (TrafficMaster Allure Ironwood). In the dining room, living room, and entryway, I installed the new flooring in the opposite direction as the old (east-west instead of north-south).

I think this direction looks better. The difference is especially apparent in the entryway.

In the hallway, installation was challenging. I had to work around six doors, and the new flooring had to transition to existing flooring in five rooms.

Four of those transitions were in the center of doorways across from each other. There was no margin for error because even a tiny space between the planks would be obvious. It was a real victory to get them all matched up exactly right. :D

The transition point between bedrooms and hallway is clear. On the left, my bedroom still has the old oak color flooring. On the right, the other bedroom has walnut. In the middle is the hallway with the new brown/black flooring.

The transition between bathroom, hallway, and workroom is visually seamless because all three have the same color flooring.


  1. Such a sleek color! Good call on changing the direction of the flooring.... Looks like a bigger space that way

    1. Indeed. It looks less choppy and has a nicer visual flow, I think.

  2. That looks like a lot of work! We did a hallway like yours (but longer) this spring for my sister. I was in charge of those pesky edge pieces that had to be cut around the door frames because the idiot constructors installed them that way. I thought I was going nuts!

    1. The hallway took about four hours. Working around multiple doorways required me to cut some of the planks into some fairly complicated shapes. It was like the least fun game of Tetris ever. :P

  3. Looks fantastic now!
    We're floor twinsies now, at least in color lol.
    Much much better, and different direction definitely made a difference.

  4. This looks so cool! I wish I could get my landlord to let me refinish our floors. Your new nes are so inspirational!

  5. I agree, the direction of the flooring DOES make a big difference, I never would have thought of that!

  6. I have the same flooring in my bathroom. Love it. Wears very well, digs and cats haven't wrecked it so far. Inexpensive (comparatively speaking), and if any boards do end up getting messed up it's not too hard to Por one up and replace it.
