Saturday, December 3, 2016

Little Black Dog

Today I walked into my bedroom and said hello to my black shirt, thinking it was my black dog Nook on the bed. XD
(I should have known she was actually in her nook, the cabinet under the chest of drawers on the right. You can just barely see the pointy white tips of her ears there.)

Nook constantly makes me laugh. She's playful and energetic and absolutely hilarious. Whatever she does... she does with great enthusiasm.

Here she is enthusiastically settling down for bed. :D


  1. Haha! If I don't see my dog the first thing I do is check under the blankets on the bed, that's her favourite snuggle spot! Dogs! <3

    1. Nook's favorite spot is the cabinet-turned-bed (Nook's nook). With autumn's colder temperatures, I put a doggie heating pad in there, and now little heat-seeking Indigo loves it, too.

      In a cozy nook... on a heating pad... under a blanket... it's small dog bliss. :D

  2. That was cute but also exhausting! How do you handle so much enthusiasm?

    1. Thankfully, she is energetic in short bursts. She'll play very actively for a few minutes, or she'll go out in the backyard and run a few laps at full speed. Afterwards, she is happy to lie down and chew on her toy or nap for a couple of hours. And after her enthusiastic settling down for bed, she will sleep the entire night.

  3. For your defence, in that position that shirt looked like a dog! :D Nook is super cute in that video! <3

    1. And the room was pretty dark, too, with just one lamp on (much darker than the camera flash made it look). ;)

  4. wow, Nook looks like a sweet and bouncy dog. From the picture it does look like a black dog lying on the bed. I've thought a bit of clothing was a cat when I had black cat, lol.

    1. Such mistaken identities are bound to happen to goths with black pets! ;)

  5. Ahhhhh! What a cutie!!!! <3 <3 <3 Yes, your shirt definitely looked like Nook ;) Hehehe

    1. Thank you! Yeah... especially with just a quick glance. :D

  6. The shirt indeed looks like a dog in deep sleep!

  7. We have two mostly black cats, and I'm constantly talking to random black things in the house thinking that it's them. Luckily nobody has caught me yet at it. 😹

  8. I learned the hard way to make sure the lumps under the covers are blankets before I flop on the bed.

  9. How cute that she likes to sleep under your dresser! You really did name her well. ;) Sadly, I can't watch the video ... apparently I have a plugin disabled. One month, I'll have to sit down and try to get all my technology to work properly before everything craps out completely. Oh joy.

    1. Her name fits her perfectly. Ah, technology... our blessing and curse.

  10. Thats so cuteXD I do the same exact thing with my dog Shadow... well or I trip over him lol

    1. Yep, I trip over my two sometimes... especially when Nook is on the black rug because she blends right in.

  11. Oh goodness sooooo cute <3 and well, sometimes clothes do look like cats or dogs, especially with black everything.
