Sunday, June 7, 2015


GIY: Goth It Yourself was listed in 15 Unrivalled Goth Fashion Blogs of 2015 by The Black Rose (coincidentally, the shop where I bought my first "real" goth apparel about 18 years ago). They wrote Goth It Yourself is one of the most interesting blogs online today.

Wow. I'm gobsmacked. All that for my little ole blog. I am honored. Many thanks to them and to you, my awesome readers. :D

I'd like to post more fashion, but I struggle to get decent photos. I use the camera timer, but the photos aren't sharp because the camera has nothing to focus on when I press the button. Maybe a remote control is the solution?

To those of you who post excellent outfit photos - any advice on getting great photos without spending a small fortune on equipment?

my velvet and lace skirt from Black Rose


  1. Congrazzles! *sets off confetti canons*

  2. I often put a pillow/tall light/whatever where I'll be standing; remotes are significantly easier, however, and a talented assistant even better.

    1. I've been using a tall candlestand, which does help some with focus. Lacking an assistant, I think maybe I should try a remote.

  3. This is so cool, you deserve it so much!

  4. Congrats!

    Maybe put your outfits on a dressform and you can operate the camera?

    1. Thank you!

      I never bought a dressform for sewing because it wouldn't match my body shape (and it wouldn't help with shoulders, which is where I have the most trouble with fit). But I could get one for modeling, I suppose.

  5. Congrats!! I'm not surprised at all. Your DIY posts are totally unique, and SO COOL!! :-)

  6. Congratulations! :) I have not taken outfit photos mainly because I do not want to spend a relatively big amount of money to the process and it is a bit time consuming if you do not have the proper equipment. I guess the cheapest way to make better outfit photos is to ask somebody else take them. It is much easier when you do not have to use a timer and somebody else can make sure the focus is right. :D

    1. Of coarse I do not know, if you have already asked somebody to assist or would that idea even repulse you. :D For me it is a bit vexing to think of asking assistance with my blog stuff, it makes me really self conscious. >_>

    2. Thank you! I'm not entirely repulsed by the idea of asking for help, though posing for someone to take pictures of me would make me feel super awkward and self-conscious. But the awkwardness is sort of a non-issue because I don't have anyone to ask. I'll have to stick with selfies.

  7. You can get a photographer friend who has a fancy camera, equipment? Lol when you find the secret, let me know. I try my best with natural lighting and sometimes a tall mirror for extra reflection. There are a few diy studio tutorials... But those still require $$.

    1. Maybe one of those long, telescoping arms like Inspector Gadget had in his hat? ;)

  8. Woooo congrats!!! I love your blog and you earned all the praise :) You look amazing, I love the skirt! I got a remote for my camera and it makes a world of difference, but don't go out of your way to kill yourself for the blog!

    1. Thank you so much! :D I think it might be worthwhile to try a remote. I have some clothes I want to blog about, but they look sort of lame hanging on a coat hanger. I need a person to put them on... even if it's me. :P

  9. You deserve it! Congrats and more congrats. And FYI: I'm loving all the "Daily Done" blogs. WAHOOOOO!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm going to try my best to keep them going!

  10. You look fabulous! My photos are usually phone with timer, still havent replaced my camera, i think they are decent mostly :p

  11. I know this is a necro post, but your outfit and hair look amazing! Do you have a tutorial on that skirt, or did you buy it?

    1. Thank you very much! I bought the skirt. However, I do have a tutorial on making the same style skirt:

  12. I know this is a necro post, but your outfit and hair look amazing! Do you have a tutorial on that skirt, or did you buy it?
