Thursday, May 9, 2013

Kitchen Makeover: The Reveal

Whew! The kitchen is finally done*! I'd hoped to finish some time ago, but I spent February and March flattened by a health issue. Thanks, everyone, for sticking around.

*Well, it's about 90% done. It still needs a few small things -- knobs/pulls, a window treatment, some decor on the walls -- but I think the 90% mark is sufficient for pictures. :D

(By the way, the black cloth on the window is just to cut the glare so I could take photos that don't look like the TV from "Poltergeist"...)
Carol Anne... Do not go into the light!

Without further ado, here's a tour of my made-over kitchen, hosted by photobombing miniature pinscher Bean Sidhe:
"We're in the kitchen. That means food, right?"
painted cabinets, faux granite countertops, open shelves replacing wall cabinets, new sink and faucet
DIY refrigerator cabinet, beadboard wallpaper on peninsula
And now on to the before and after comparisons! What I'm calling "before" is actually a middle stage after I'd replaced all the appliances, installed new flooring, and removed the ceiling-mounted cabinets. The kitchen looked like this when I bought the house...

but I've lived with it in the condition that I'm calling "before."
view facing the window
view upon entering from the garage
view from the living area
Total cost of the makeover was about $970. Of this, $760 was for the new sink, disposal and faucet (with installation). The other changes totaled about $210. If I go back and include the new appliances and flooring that I bought three years ago, the entire cost was about $2,300.

(For those wondering about the dining room... I finally found some chairs to put with my new purple table, but they need serious GIYing. Look for the results in a future post!)


  1. Uuuuuugh, I hate my kitchen even MORE now. >applause<

  2. You're so inspirational :-) Everytime I read a new post from you it gets me in the mood to craft! But alas, I have study *shakes fist* :-P

    1. Thank you! :D Darn studying standing in the way of creative pursuits!

  3. WOW! Bane, this is absolutely breathtaking! HUZZAH to you, darling!

  4. It's GORGEOUS! Can I live in your kitchen please?

    1. Absolutely! You bake a delicious black forest cake, right? ;)

  5. Wow, those ceiling cabinets were so weird, it's like some kind of crazy upside down house! But after what you did, what a change! It's so stylish, yet also usable! Genius!

    1. Thank you! Oh, how I hated those ceiling-mounted cabinets! Such cabinets were a design "feature" of some 1970s ranch-style houses (along with gold linoleum and orange countertops). The '70s weren't exactly the high point of kitchen design. :P

  6. An amazing transformation, Bane! You were very brave (IMHO) to take out those overhead cupboards, but what a difference it makes without them. Not only am I inspired by your ability to come up with incredibly creative solutions while sticking to a strict budget, but also the fact you're not afraid of power tools! ;o)

    P.S. I may need that purple toaster ... LOL!

    1. Thank you! I guess taking out the overheads did require a little bravery because I had to address the electrical hardwiring of the range hood. But it was worth the effort. :)

      I enjoy creative problem solving. Good thing, too, because it's a necessity with my tight budget! I think power tools are like cars -- safe time-savers when you use them properly but dangerous if you don't pay attention. Except table saws. Those things terrify me.

      Isn't that the best toaster ever?! :D I found it at Target.

  7. Omg! I simply adore it! I love the black wall shelves too!

  8. Absolutely amazing, and so inspiring for me (I'm still renovating...)! I have to ask, that thing behind the stove, is that the fan? I've never seen a low sitting fan attached to the stove like that. We always have huge ones hanging over the stove. We're does the filtered air go to?

    1. Thank you! The thing behind the stove is actually wrought iron decor that's supposed to be hung on the wall. I'm using it to help disguise the back of the stove, which really should be against a wall. Ridiculous, I know. The plan was to move the stove to the opposite wall, but I've had to delay any major remodeling.

      The exhaust hood/fan was attached to the ceiling-mounted cabinets that I took down. I didn't bother with a new installation because (1) I'm planning to move the stove later and (2) I don't really cook beyond boiling water.

      Some of the really expensive downdraft stoves have a low fan at the back of the stove. It's hidden until you press a button, then the fan rises up. I like to pretend I have such a fancy stove instead of the absurd setup I actually have. ;)

  9. Wow, I wouldn't have even believed that was the same kitchen! What an amazing transformation! The lack of cupboards really opens things up.

    1. Thanks! I am very glad I took them all down. It was almost claustrophobic in there before.

  10. This is so fantastic. I'm very happy to see you have a beautifl kitchen to enjoy at last. Make sure you take a well earned break before starting on those chairs!

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, I am taking a break. I've had enough of wood and paint for a while! Time to work with something softer, like the sewing I've been itching to get back to. :)

  11. I can't believe you did this all by yourself!! You should be a mentor and do coaching in giy-ing!! You are a pure talent what you did is unbelievable!!

    1. Thank you! I want to become a professional organizer, which could be considered a form of coaching, I think. In the meantime, I hope the blog provides people with ideas and inspiration. :)

  12. That is just amazing. I love the way your wood floor works with black cabinets <3 I may be faced with my own kitchen-renovation come summer, and it was really nice to see how much can be accomplished on one's own :)

    1. Thank you! I wasn't totally in love with the light color of the floor, but now that the cabinets are black, I like it much better. Kitchen renovations require some patience to deal with the less-than-functional interim state, but I don't think they require hordes of contractors. :)

  13. What a gorgeous kitchen!! You've done a super fantastic job!

    I do have one question, and no one has asked it yet... Now that you've removed all the overhead cupboards in your kitchen, WHERE do you put your dishes and glassware???? I hope you haven't devolved to paper plates and plastic cups! ;-)

    1. Thank you very much! My dishes and glassware are on the shelves. Probably doesn't look like much, but 12 bowls and 16 plates are plenty for me. Pots and pans, plastic containers, and the large plates I rarely use are in the lower cabinets.

    2. Ahhh, I see them, but I couldn't tell that's what they were! Thanks! Now the mystery is solved, the curiosity that killed the cat is satisfied, and the cat has been resurrected. ;-)

  14. W-O-W, I'm speechless! You are a true goddess of goth it yourself!

  15. My goodness, your kitchen is so stunning and sophisticated! I especially love the detail around the refrigerator. You should be quite proud of yourself. :)

  16. Love seeing the whole thing! You are so talented. I am especially impressed with the wrought iron stove cover up.

    1. Thank you! It matches three wrought iron pieces hanging on the hall wall. In fact, that's how I chose it. I thought, "Hmm, if I turn one of these sideways, I bet it will fit behind the stove." And it did. :)

  17. The final product looks spectacular! The shelf brackets and oven cover-up are the perfect finishing touches, in my opinion. <3

    1. Thanks very much! I'm a bit obsessed with wrought iron. The Hobby Lobby near me carries a LOT of wrought iron... I have to take my willpower when I shop there. ;)

  18. That is fantastic. And inspiring - I hate my kitchen but don't have the money to pay for a revamp. But maybe I can think about what I really want & make it myself. My appliances are good, so I mostly only need cosmetic changes.

    1. Thank you! If your appliances are good, that gives you a huge head start! :) It's the things that use electricity or have water running through that eat up the budget. The cosmetic changes are a lot easier on the bank account.

  19. Well done! You certainly save a lot of money when you do everything yourself. I admire your handyperson skills!!

    1. Thank you! It's either spend time or spend money with home improvement. At the moment, I have more time than money. Plus it's fun to learn new things. :)

  20. Your DIY skills are Venus's wet dream ^ ^

  21. Excellent write-up! Your clear and concise explanation about kitchen renovation services has helped me tremendously. I’m looking forward to more posts like this.
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  22. What an incredible transformation! The attention to detail and design choices are truly inspiring. This kitchen makeover is both stylish and functional. Great job – it’s a dream come true!


  23. Wow, the kitchen makeover looks amazing! The transformation is incredible—love the new design and how everything ties together so beautifully. Great work!

  24. What a stunning transformation! The kitchen makeover is absolutely beautiful, with such thoughtful details and design choices. I love how every element, from the modern appliances to the stylish countertops, blends perfectly together. This reveal truly showcases how a few updates can completely refresh a space. Fantastic job!
